Our Mission
The Enfield Historical Society is a non-profit all-volunteer organization. Our mission is to preserve the history of Enfield, Connecticut and to educate the public about our town’s history. To achieve these goals we operate museums, collect artifacts and information pertaining to the Enfield’s history, and conduct demonstrations, tours, regular meetings and other special events.
The Enfield Historical Society is run by a board of directors and other officers, all of whom are elected from and by the membership of the Society. Everyone is welcome to join our organization. Membership in the Enfield Historical Society entitles you to hold office and to vote in Society elections. All members also receive our newsletter.
Years of Preservation
Square Feet of History
Preserved Pieces

Discovering & Preserving
The Rich History of Enfield, Connecticut
Enfield, Connecticut has a rich history, which the Enfield Historical Society strives to discover and preserve. Visit our history page to read about the Thompsonville carpet industry, the Hazardville gunpowder industry, the Enfield Shaker Community, and many other facets of Enfield’s past.
In the Community
Services We Provide
In addition to operating museums, the Enfield Historical Society provides free tours and other services to schools. Tours for groups and individuals, speakers, and limited genealogy resources are also available. Visit our services page or contact us for more information.

Immerse Yourself
Explore the Museums
The Enfield Historical Society operates three museums, all of which are open to the public free of charge. We hope that you will visit each of them and see the thousands of artifacts on display. No matter what your interest, you will likely find something that makes you very happy you stopped in!

Open to the Public
Events & Meetings
Regular meetings are held from September through May, usually on the fourth Monday of the month at 6:30 P.M. at the Enfield Senior Center, 299 Elm Street. Meeting dates, times, and program information are available on our calendar of events, which also lists special events.
Most of our meetings and events are open to the public and are free of charge.