Important update about the Martha Parsons House

On April 9, 2024, at their scheduled monthly meeting, the Board of Directors of the Enfield Historical Society voted unanimously to postpone the sale of the Martha Parsons House until after January 1, 2026.

This vote followed an informal, productive meeting between the Enfield Historical Society’s president, Peter Sorenson, officials of the Town of Enfield, and other interested parties on April 4, 2024, where the financial, structural, and staffing challenges of the historic home were discussed.

Said Sorenson: “In the spirit of cooperation, the Enfield Historical Society believes that postponing the sale of the Martha Parsons House until January 1, 2026, will afford any private individuals, public agencies, or other interested entities time to devise a plan and spearhead a campaign to raise the projected $500,000 needed to enact a plan to address the numerous challenges of the historic home successfully.”

The Enfield Historical Society is a private, 501(c)3 organization located in Enfield, Connecticut, dedicated to preserving and making accessible the history of Enfield. The Board of Directors voted in 2023 to sell the Martha Parsons House, which had been operating as a seasonal museum. The house, which was built in 1782 and is located in the Enfield Historic District, was willed to the historical society by pioneering businesswoman Martha Parsons following her death in 1965.